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TUK Jan Thiel

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Salt Pans Jan Thiel

From TUK, you walk straight into a beautiful forest trail, which leads you to the Salt Pans of Jan Thiel. The area's peaceful atmosphere, combined with the sight of flamingos and other wildlife, makes it a must-visit destination for anyone seeking a serene and picturesque natural environment.

The Salt Pans have a rich history that dates back to the time of the island's early inhabitants. Originally, these salt pans were natural low-lying areas that collected seawater. Over time, the water would evaporate, leaving behind salt, a valuable commodity in the past. Today, the Salt Pans of Jan Thiel are no longer used for commercial salt production, but they remain an important part of the island's natural and historical heritage. These pans have transformed into a unique ecological area, attracting diverse wildlife, especially flamingos, making them a popular spot for nature lovers and history enthusiasts alike.


The salt pans are not only a haven for flamingos but also a habitat for various bird species and other wildlife. This natural sanctuary provides an excellent opportunity for bird watching and nature photography. The contrast of the flamingos against the backdrop of the salt pans creates a breathtaking landscape, perfect for capturing stunning photographs.

Follow the purple coconuts for the right trail!